Sports Psychology
Sports hypnosis can help no matter what sport you play or at what level you participate. A study conducted in Chicago University concluded that 20 minutes of self hypnosis and mental exercises can produce the same muscle memory as 1 hour of physical exercise. Hypnotherapy can also improve focus, concentration and nerves which can be a major influence over your level of performance, competitiveness and ultimately your enjoyment of the sport you play.
I combine hypnosis with sports psychology, NLP, visualization and hypno-analysis. This helps build confidence, belief and retrain the brain for an expectation of success. I teach self hypnosis to improve your mental focus and a calm interior, while simultaneously learning to show your opponent a steely confidence. At the same time you can learn how the competitive environment has become intimidating to you and overcome any negative response to it which may be embedded in the subconscious.
A former client described their experience of sports hypnosis, “The difference between sports psychology and sports hypnosis, psychology you learn right from wrong but with hypnosis you feel right from wrong”.