Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
What is Hypnosis?
A state of relaxation and concentration at one with a state of heightened awareness induced by suggestion. It is a non-addictive power for good and is a natural manifestation of the mind at work.
Are there some people you cannot hypnotise?
No. Without realising it everyone has been in trance. Some people can relax easier than others but everyone can be hypnotised to some level.
Are drugs or tablets used?
Shall I be aware of what is happening?
Yes, although the predominant feeling of most people is – “It didn’t work for me – I never went under.”
So I am not asleep then?
No. You are simply extremely relaxed. This is why the technique is called ‘Conscious Hypnosis’.
Is there any cause at all for concern?
None whatsoever. Hypnosis is a proven therapeutic aid.
How many visits will I need?
Simpler problems like smoking, nail-biting, slimming, pre-test nerves etc. usually require 1-3 sessions and the success rate is surprisingly high. The more deep-rooted nervous disorders require ‘analytical’ rather than ‘suggestion’ therapy which usually consists of 6-10 weekly sessions.
Could I be influenced to do anything against my will or nature?
No. In fact you would be shocked out of the hypnotic state immediately if any such action was suggested to you.
Can ‘normal’ people undergo Hypno-Psychotherapy or Psycho-Analysis?
Not only can they, but they should. For an insight into yourself, it has no equal.